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Local Committee

Members can be contacted via the school office by phone on 01483 422924 or by emailing the Clerk 


Local Committee Members are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.  Local Committee Members are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards.  The role of the Local Committee is crucial to the effectiveness of a school. (National Governors Association)

The LC at St Mark and All Saints C of E Primary School are a highly effective, committed group of people who offer support and challenge as part of the effective leadership of the school.  



The Local Committee meets half termly to receive reports on standards and teaching, monitor data and budget information and , importantly oversee and verify that grants such as the Sports Premium and Pupil Premium are being spent appropriately. They visit the school regularly – covering all classes – to observe for themselves the progress being made and to verify what they are told and shown in Local Committee meetings.


HOW THE LC WORK AT St Mark and All Saints


Our LC Members are now all appointed by the Good Shepherd Trust since academisation in April 2019. All LC Members serve for a term of 4 years. At St Mark and All Saints we hold our LC meetings half termly and have members appointed to oversee Leadership, Safeguarding, Inclusion, Grants, Curriculum and Christian Distinctiveness.


Our Local Committee – 

  • Ratifies local policies, other policies come directly from the Trust and are agreed centrally.

  • Provides support to the Headteacher, Assistant Head and staff,  in furthering their strategic direction and vision for the school.

  • Has oversight of the school processes for Performance Management, Safeguarding, Finance and Health and Safety but is not responsible for them.

  • Do not have voting rights


Our Local Committee Members


Below you will find detailed our current Local Committee Members and their areas of responsibility. 



Chair - Suzanne Allen 

General - Laura Keogh (Safeguarding, Leadership and Management) Appointed July 2019

General -  Caroline Major ( Finance)

Headteacher - Caroline Mallett

Staff - Sarah Bradshaw

Parent - Frances Hubbard ( Curriculum and Education)

Parent -Vicki Gardner (Health and Safety)
General - Vicar of St Mark's Church - Sheila Samuels (Christian Distinctiveness)

General - Judith Hawkey 










Clerk - Cara Payne

Good Shepherd Trust, Regional Director for Education - Louise Johnston     

Good Shepherd Trust, CEO - Paul Kennedy










Laura Keogh (Link for Safeguarding, Leadership and management)

Laura joined as an LC Member at St. Mark and All Saints at the start of the autumn 2019 term. Laura is a Civil Servant and currently works for the Department for Transport on the government’s roadside air quality improvement programme. 

Laura has a PhD in urban planning and policy making and her background is in managing projects including IT, transport, utilities and community infrastructure. Prior to joining the Department for Transport, she worked for 8 years as a management consultant and has experience in governance and leadership. 

Laura grew up in Dorset and now lives locally to the school. Laura became an LC Member at St Mark and All Saints because she wants to give something back to the local community and contribute some of her experience in project management for the benefit of the school. 











Caroline Major (General)                                                                                                                              

An experience ACCA qualified accountant with over 15 years in the finance industry. Caroline’s current role focuses as a Bid Analyst working closely with Commercial & Sales as the finance lead for tendor responses. Having had previous experience in the independent schools sector working closely with Bursars & other financial experts. She looks forward to sharing her financial and experience to the local committee. 


Caroline lives in Godalming with 2 young children attending a local nursery but hopes they will attend St Marks and All Saints when they come of age. 












Caroline Mallett (Headteacher)

Caroline has been part of the Senior Leadership Team at St. Mark and All Saints since September 2017, she joined as Assistant Head and has been teaching for over 25 years. In September 2019 she took on the role of Head of School and in September 2020 she became Headteacher.  

Prior to working at St. Mark and All Saints she was Phase Leader at Liphook Infant and Junior School Federation which is a 3-form entry school in Hampshire. Caroline was born in Guildford and completed her BEd in Southampton, she now lives in Hampshire with her family . She has worked in Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire schools over the course of her career and chose St Mark and All Saints because of the wonderful atmosphere, amazing learning environment and the commitment of all the staff and pupils. 











Vicki Gardner (Parent)

My son has been attending St Mark and All Saints since nursery and I have seen him flourish at the school, I joined the Local Committee as I have seen the consistent and ongoing improvements the school has made over the last 4 years and I am very keen to support them on this journey.  My previous experience is mainly in the hospitality sector as a Recruitment Manager for a large hospitality and catering organisation and more recently I have been working in administration.  I also have a particular interest in SEND and am hoping the personal experience I have had in this area maybe relevant and useful to supporting others within the community.












Frances Hubbard (Parent)

Frances began her career in education as a secondary school mathematics teacher working in London and Hampshire. She held a variety roles including as a Lead Mathematics Practitioner and Head of Business Studies. After having children, Frances chose to step back from teaching and now works as a Monitoring and Compliance Officer for the Local Planning Authority.

Frances lives in Godalming and her son now attends St Mark and All Saints. She is keen to offer her experience in education and administration to assist the school continue to thrive.









Judith Hawkey (General)

I recently became a Local committee member at St Mark and All Saints. I am a mother of 3 and a granny to 8, I have been a nurse for over 40 years and have worked with children throughout my career. I was a foster carer for 10 years and I am passionate about the welfare and education of children. I have been volunteering at St Mark and All Saints on a weekly basis for nearly a year now and have seen first hand the wonderful journey the school is on. I am keen to support the school, and hope that my experiences will be valuable to the committee. 









Rev Sheila Samuels (Church Representative)

Sheila joined the LGC in 2021. She is the Associate Minister at St Marks Church and is a regular visitor to the school, leading collective worship once a week. You may also see her if you attend any special school services at St Mark's Church.  She has four children, two are in their 20’s and the younger two are at local secondary school. Sheila has a background in community work and has worked with people from diverse backgrounds. Although her key area is Christian Distinctiveness she is very keen to promote diversity. Her Pakistani heritage mixed with a Christian upbringing gives her an understanding of all faiths and none and cultural diversity.



Meetings dates


Meetings Attendance record

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© 2023 by St. Mark and All Saints C of E Primary School

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