Here are some useful ways for memorising facts and spellings
The Leitner System is a good way to learn facts for science, history and geography. This method is explained in the video below
Ways to Learn Spellings
Look at the word. Cover the word. Write the word. Check you have spelled it correctly.
Trace Copy and Write from memory (and then check)
Quickwrite – write the word as quickly as you can lots of times
Drawing around the word to show the shape
Drawing an image around a word
Pyramid Writing
Rainbow writing
Using coloured pencils in different ways can help to make parts of words memorable.
Highlight the tricky part of the word or write the tricky part in a different colour.
Write each letter in a different colour, or write the word in red, then overlay in orange, yellow and so on. -
Making up memorable 'silly sentences' containing the word
Big elephants can always understand small elephants -
Saying the word in a funny way
e.g. pronouncing the 'silent' letters in a word
Clapping and counting to identify syllables in a word
Breaking the word into chunks